
Membership Categories

Rates and Fees

Click on each category to see 2024-2025 rates and fees. 


Regular Membership

Persons eighteen (18) years of age and over are eligible for Regular Membership. The privileges of the Club are extended to the Spouse or Significant Other and those Minor Children permanently residing with said Member. In addition, Club privileges are extended to those children of Regular members who permanently reside with the member, and are under twenty-five (25) years of age, and a) regularly attend a full-time course of undergraduate instruction at an accredited college or university or b) are in active military service.

Boat Club membership is free for Regular members.


Ages 18 - 29

Monthly Dues - $55.48

Initiation Fee - $300

Fiscal Minimum - $175


Ages 30 - 35

Monthly Dues - $92.45

Initiation Fee - $600

Fiscal Minimum - $325


Ages 36 and up

Monthly Dues - $190.29

Initiation Fee - $600

Fiscal Minimum - $325


Associate Membership

Persons aged eighteen (18) years of age or older are eligible for Associate membership except those who maintain a boat larger than 18 feet on the Lower Niagara River. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote for or serve as Directors. All other privileges of the Club apply. (Refer to Club By-Laws for definition of Maintaining a Boat.)

Boat Club membership is $250 for Associate members.


Ages 18 - 29

Monthly Dues - $36.98

Initiation Fee - $300

Fiscal Minimum - $175


Ages 30 - 35

Monthly Dues - $61.03

Initiation Fee - $600

Fiscal Minimum - $325


Ages 36 and up

Monthly Dues - $120.19

Initiation Fee - $600

Fiscal Minimum - $325


Non-Resident Member

Persons of eighteen (18) years of age and older who do not reside temporarily* or permanently or have their principal place of business within the counties of Erie or Niagara in New York State or the Niagara Peninsula in the Province of Ontario, Canada, or who own or regularly maintain a boat in the Lower Niagara River, nor make regular use of the Club facilities, are eligible for Non-Resident membership. If an applicant for Non-Resident is a boat owner, the applicant must currently be a member of a recognized yacht club or be a former member of the YYC. 

*Reside temporarily is intended to mean residence in excess of four (4) weeks, consecutively or cumulatively, within the Counties of Erie or Niagara in New York State or on the Niagara Peninsula of the Province of Ontario, Canada, over a sailing season from May 1 to and including October 1.

Monthly Dues - $27.72


Junior Member

Persons between the ages of ten (10) and twenty-two (22), inclusive, are eligible for Junior membership. Junior members may not vote or hold office. Privileges are restricted to the Junior member.

Monthly Dues - $18.48

**Active military receive 50% off dues**


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